Houston Bamboo Nursery

A Hidden Bamboo Garden Paradise ...

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Sunday, 21 January 1900 12:00pm

10815 Leitz Rd, Houston, TX 77075   Phone 832-713-4319  Service@amazonbamboo.com Monday thru Saturday 8-5pm, 6 days a week Visitors are welcome anytime during business hours


©2009 Houston Bamboo Nursery, LLC  Worldwide Rights Reserved. ®

Semiarundinaria fastuosa a.k.a.'Temple' 'Palm' 'Narihira'

Classification:  Running bamboo     

Origin:  Japan

Max Ht:  35'                                    

Max Dia:  1.5"

Min. Temp:  -5 F                     

Light: (shade-sun 1-5) 3-5                        

Uses: Focus garden specimen, large screen or hedge, pole production

     This species has very erect canes  which  to a beautiful purple or dark reddish color. A close branching habit results in elegant plumes of leaves being formed at the tops of the culms.  The culms are thin-walled and turn shades of purple, rose, or wine in full sun.  Some culms turn a solid gold color which is quite striking with the dark green leaves.  Narihira makes impressive looking high screens and windbreaks.

Running Bamboo

Semiarundinaria fastuosa 'Red Narihira' Plant