Houston Bamboo Nursery

A Hidden Bamboo Garden Paradise ...

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Sunday, 21 January 1900 12:00pm

10815 Leitz Rd, Houston, TX 77075   Phone 832-713-4319  Service@amazonbamboo.com Monday thru Saturday 8-5pm, 6 days a week Visitors are welcome anytime during business hours


©2009 Houston Bamboo Nursery, LLC  Worldwide Rights Reserved. ®

Phyllostachys Aureosulcata 'Spectabilis'

Classification:  Running bamboo         

Origin:  China
Max Ht:  26 ft.                                     

Max Dia:  1.5"

Min. Temp:  -15 F                                   

Light: (shade-sun 1-5) 3-5 

Uses: Focus garden specimen, large screen or hedge, pole production

     This aptly named form of "Yellow Groove Bamboo" is spectacular. Its colors are reversed from the species, i.e., it has bright yellow culms with a green sulcus. It is the hardiest bamboo with yellow and green striped color pattern. Spectabilis is  vigorous and rather rare.  When grown in a sunny location,  the new culms have a spectacular red highlight in the spring and early summer.

Running Bamboo

Phyllostachys Aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' Plant